WoB doesn't
really seem to
be the sort of comic that provokes fan art. However, it now
has its very first item of fan stuff.
If any more turns up, I
shall post it here as well. Go to first transcript Fan Stuff #1: Casey Mulligan Flow Chart ![]() Okay, I tried to do a transcript of this one, and it was almost impossible. You think the comic is confusing? This is downright bewildering. So instead of providing an actual transcript, I'll describe what's going on. Ekin has based the flow chart on this question: "Casey does not know what other people are talking about. Does Casey lose memories of emotional highs and lows?" The chart proposes a number of possibilities: Casey has a physical condition that is causing his memory loss (and thus is human), Casey has a psychological condition that is causing his memory loss (and thus is human if he's suppressing the memories by accident and Satan if he's suppressing them intentionally), Casey is lying but doesn't think he's being irrational, Casey is lying and is deliberately screwing with everyone, only Kari knows the truth. All possibilities eventually lead to the word "Whoaaa." Ekin Akkus explains this chart as follows: He has a medical/psychological disorder, does not he? If it's medical, it happens once in a while, when he's experiencing emotional highs/downs. It shows he's human. If it's psychological, he suppresses these emotional moments in his memory, either unintentionally or intentionally. Huh! :) I doubt that it is intentional, if not, he might be Satan. If these happen unintentionally, it shows that he's human. Maybe, I should do a flowchart. There. Either way, you deserve a "whoaaa". I don't remember that I said that to a webcomic before. Not that you are a webcomic; you draw the plot. And the comic. Subsequently, Ekin has added two more options: 1) that Casey's psychological disorder prompts him not to forget his emotional highs/lows but to forget that lying about them to people who have just witnessed them is illogical, and 2) that Casey is deliberately screwing with everyone. Go to next transcript Fan Stuff #2: Marie Vs. the Lego People ![]() Transcript: Fan Stuff #2: Marie Vs. the Lego People In this panel, Marie stands in the Davies College basement. Two lego peopl, a man and a woman, approach her. The woman holds what appears to be a video-game controller out towards her. Alt-Text: Someone hasn't been sleeping again... Commentary: Fan Stuff #2: Marie Vs. the Lego People Nur Hussein has provided this in-depth look into what might happen if Marie were confronted by two large Lego people. I expect there might be some screaming. Go to next transcript Fan Stuff #3: The Lego Saga Continues ![]() Transcript: Fan Stuff #3: The Lego Saga Continues
Casey kneels on the floor in the Davies College basement and smiles at three Lego people, a man, a woman, and the Eleventh Doctor, the latter of whom is standing beside a Lego TARDIS. Alt-Text: This may explain a lot, actually.. Commentary: Fan Stuff #3: The Lego Saga Continues Nur Hussein has continued his Lego/WoB crossover. He offers some explanation of what is going on here: Our two teleporters have been stuck in Toronto for months now, but the Doctor detected their distress signal in the time vortex and dropped in to rescue them. "Hello, I'm the Doctor," he said casually. "Please take us back home!" cried the two teleporters. "That's what I'm here for," said the Doctor cheerfully. "And hello Casey." "Nice to see you again Doctor," said Casey, smiling and kneeling so that he could talk to them at eye level. "You've changed." "Well it's just the TARDIS projecting an image into your mind," said the Doctor. "To make the ride comfortable for them. That, and I've died a few times." "I'll see you around then," said Casey as the two travellers entered the TARDIS with the Doctor and it winked out of that reality to take them away, west of Bathurst. Go to next transcript Fan Stuff #4: Marie Compared to a Penguin ![]() Transcript: Fan Stuff #4: Marie Compared to a Penguin We see two picturs of Marie next to two pictures of penguins. They are not dissimilar. Alt-Text: Okay, admittedly, SunshineRain has a point. She does look a bit like a penguin. Commentary: Fan Stuff #4: Marie Compared to a Penguin A reader who styles himself SunshineRain has put together this collection of images in support of his theory that Marie is actually a flightless swimming bird. Go to next transcript Fan Stuff #5: Sexy Casey ![]() Transcript: Fan Stuff #5: Sexy Casey In this picture, captioned "Casey Mulligan," a sexy version of Casey stands on the deck of a boat. He is a blond man wearing green pants, a white shirt, and a striped green and white tie. He is holding a cane. Alt-Text: Good lord...he's SMOULDERING at us. Commentary: Fan Stuff #5: Sexy Casey I'm not surewhat to say about this portrait of Casey by reader Dances with Fish via the superhero generatorHeromachine 2.5besides: holy mackerel...I wish I could draw Casey looking that sexy. That is a sexy, sexy Casey. Considering the background, I just have to add this: “Hello, ladies. Look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies' scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up...where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand? Back at me. I have it: it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again; the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.” Fan Stuff #6: Entries in Summer Contest #5, 2013 Below please find entries in Summer Contest #5, the rules for which are as follows: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a one-panel scene between at least two WoB characters of your choice and post it somewhere online, then link to it in the comments section (or mail it to me if you can't, but be aware that I will share it; if you take this option, let me know what name or alias you want displayed). Again, stick figures are an option here. The panel should involve at least two of the following elements: Casey's mom, a shiny object, bricks, Master Ramsay, the Elvis, maple doughnuts, Christmas, the number seven, and a ukulele. Original locations for the entries, if they have original locations, will be linked via the entrants' names. Go to next transcript Entry #1: Laura (2nd Place [Tie]) ![]() Transcript: Entry #1: Laura Barbara is playing the ukulele. Master Ramsay zooms past her with his usual "whoosh"ing sound. Master Ramsay: You sound very talented I'd love to stop and listen have to stick to my iPod and listen to Debs and Errol on the rruuunnnn... Commntary: Entry #1: Laura Laura has specified that this is the piece Barbara is playing on her ukulele. Obviously, she will receive bonus points for shoehorning in a Doctor Who reference. Go to next transcript Entry #2: Nobilis ![]() Transcript: Entry #2: Nobilis We see a brick wall. A ukulele (labelled "Ukulele (shiny)" sits at the base of the wall. Casey and his mom are behind the wall, but Nobilis has cunningly avoided having to draw them. Casey's Mom: Casey, there's no need to break through the brick wall. Marie went the other way. Casey: But Mom, there's a shiny object behind it! Alt-Text: BRICKS! Entries #3 (Dances With Fish), #4 (Tarina), and #5 (Tarina) are no longer accessible. Go to next transcript Entry #6: Errol Elumir (1st Place) ![]() ![]() ![]() Transcript: Entry #6: Errol Elumir There are three comics in this sequence. All of them are drawn more or less in Kari's style, with the exception of the final panel of the final comic. Let's start with... Comic 1 Panel 1: In the title panel of this comic, we see the usual "West of Bathurst" logo (the "one way" street sign), but this tim, it reads, "Debs & Errol, by Errol Elumir," plus "A West of Bathurst tribute / www.westofbathurst.com." In front of this sign are Debs, a young woman with a flower in her hair, and Errol, a middle-aged man who seems to be panicking. Panel 2: Errol, dressed as Casey in green pants, a white shirt, and a striped green and white tie, is standing in front of some convenient bushes. Errol: Whoa. What? Why am I in Kari's "West of Bathurst" comic... Panel 2: Errol: And how come I have a cane and a tie... Panel 3: Errol: Wait a minute...I'm Casey... Panel 4: Debs approaches, wearing a blue shirt. Errol: ...That makes Debs... Debs: Why am I wearing blue? And how did you get so tall? Comic 2: Panel 1: Same title panel as last time. Panel 2: Errol and Debs are standing in the park. Debs: What's happening? Errol: We're in Kari's "West of Bathurst" comic. Panel 3: Errol: We're not only in her comic, we are west of Bathurst. Panel 4: Errol: In fact, we've become the two main characters. Why? Panel 5: Debs: Kari has a comic? Errol: You know, just be prepared for thing to become very weird. Comic 3: There are two panels in this comic. The first one is headed with a West of Bathurst-style logo but entitled Debs & Errol. The second one is headed with a Debs & Errol-style logo but entitled West of Bathurst. Panel 1: Debs and Errol, drawn in Kari's style, are standing in the park. Errol: You know, if we've taken over the bodies of Marie and Casey, then that means... Debs: Wherever we are, I'm pretty sure this is your fault. Panel 2: Marie and Casey, drawn in Errol's style and wearing Debs' and Errol's clothes, are standing in front of a kind of blue swooshy thing. Marie is holding a ukulele. Casey is staring at a glowing Totoro. Just...don't even ask. Marie: Casey, I don't know what's going on right now, but I'm pretty sure that it's your fault! Casey: Oooh! Shiny object! Commentary: Entry #6: Errol Elumir Regarding these comics: they were posted by Errol Elumir of Debs & Errol (click on the comics themselves for the original posts) during Summer Contest #5. Only the last of them qualifies for the contest (yes, it is fudging the "one panel" rule a bit, but Errol has specified that he's okay with only the final panel being considered); however, I wanted to post them all together, so I've stuck all three in the "Contest" section of this page. Errol has even replicated my style and my way of drawing bushes in the background so I don't have to do bricks. He contacted me the evening before the comic posted to ask what font I used in my comics. I informed him than I used my own actual handwriting. This did not please him. I do think that in my next comic, I may go the font route. The dialogue takes me a stupidly long time because I do it all by hand, then use Photoshop to straighten all the letters out. This is an absolutely ridiculous method that wastes oodles of precious time, but I'm used to it. At any rate, Errol's solution of finding a nice font was very, very wise. Go to next transcript Entry #7: Lumair ![]() Transcript: Entry #7: Lumair In this hand-drawn comic, Casey is standing beside a mass of tentacles. He is holding a ukulele. Voice from Off Panel: Huh...I wonder where my ukulele is? Casey: It's ok, Mom! All you have to do is play him some music and he falls asleep... Alt-Text: Casey Meets Hagrid Entry #8 (Erwaro) is no longer accessible. |